Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sexy lower back tattoo...

For as long as I could remember, tattooing is a fad that was picked up by everyone and their little sister ever since highschool. It became “the” thing to do for self-expression overnight. One day I was the unpopular, nerdy Asian kid with the only neck tattoo on campus. And the next morning I was the unpopular, nerdy, Asian kid with the only inconcealable tattoo. Then came college, where I was instantaneously introduced to the newest fad, the infamous lower back tattoo that has become the norm of today. It is very hard for anyone to imagine that the hallmark, sorority “tramp stamps” were once a mark of “female empowerment” and were as rare as finding a pot of gold in an Irish hooker’s shoes [Jedi Mind Tricks holla!].

Now a days, lower back tattoos have become so common that I bet even your mom has one (Not that you ever really noticed until now). They come in many beautiful shapes and colors, from butterflies to butterfly inspired permanent butt floss. And just when I thought I had seen every permutations of the tramp stamp, this unfortunately caught my eye

I’m absolutely positive that you remember this commercial just because of how ridiculous not funny it is. The concept and image of a male lower back tattoo is so grotesque and revolting even Ann Coulter couldn’t make it up. I mean, who could ever fantasize about this? And even if it were some guy’s secret wet dream how would he even bring it up during a company meeting?

-T-Mobile Sales Meeting-

Sales Manager: Alright guys, we are looking for a humorous, different idea to strengthen our current Who’s in Your 5 campaign. Think out side the box, people!

Some Guy: I’ve got it, you know that attractive tattoo women have on the small of their back that screams, "look at my crack?!"

Sales Manager: Sounds Sexy…

Some Guy: It’s totally sexy, but let’s do that on a fat white guy!

::Awkward silence::

Sales Manager: You are fired.

Lower back tattoos just don’t look good on a man, period! You are probably saying to yourselves, but YerrowSteer, that was the humor of the commercial, no man is actually THAT dense. You would’ve been correct except for this response by
silikonburn on the digg.com forum:

I work in a tattoo studio (I'm a body piercer), and one of my clients came in for a tattoo one day. Now, it should be noted that this kid (I shouldn't say kid, really- he's 20 and legally accountable) prides himself on being a "tough guy"- but he's a upper-middle class suburban white kid trying to be a thug, at best. Anyway, tough guy comes in and shows the artist what he wants: The words "Hot Boy". In pastel blue block letters. On the small of his back. The artist did the tattoo, gave him aftercare instructions, collected her fee, and sent him out the door. Then we nearly pissed ourselves laughing.

That's gonna be GREAT for when he goes to jail (as he inevitably will).

True story. Oh, and it's worth mentioning that his girlfriend was with him the entire time, cheering him on.

The jail comment was right on the mark, because this idiot’s fresh Hot Boy ink is like a big flashing neon sign saying “I am always getting love from the homies.”

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